Monday, December 28, 2009
Wow! Has time flied!
I have been so bad at blogging these last few months so here are some pics to kind of catch you up on our growing little girl. We love everyday with Peyton, because she is always doing something new. Her little personality lights up our home along with her little giggles. Grandma nancy got Peyton this rocking horse for Christmas. 

Christmas morning at Grandma Jennifer's and Grandpa Louis's house. Peyton was wide eyed all morning looking at all of her new toys.

Each year at my Grandma and Grandpa Bringhurst's house it's tradition that we have a big get together and do a nativity scene. All of the kids in these nativity pics are my cousins (minus my neice Mylee), since her and Peyton are great-grandkids. Peyton and Cooper were both baby Jesus since they were born this year.

Friday, September 18, 2009
A Month of Bliss
These past 5 weeks have flown by and what excitement we have had with the adjustment to parenthood. Our little girl is getting so big and discovering how to do new things everyday. We love it! Chris and I both, love just coming home at the end of the day and hanging out with our new little family. Chris has been busy with school and I have gone back to work. I am really fortunate in that Peyton gets to go to work with mommy, and Grandma Jennifer watches her.
Friday, August 21, 2009
1st Week!
So this last week has been quite fun adjusting to Peyton in the house. She has been eating really well, and waking us up every 3 hrs to eat. We wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We love being parents! Here are a few pics from this last week.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Peyton Pieper
So here is the labor story...I was at work on that morning and just wasn't feeling all that well w/ cramps and stuff so they rescheduled my patients for that afternoon because they wanted me to go home and just relax. That afternoon nothing was really happening, just the sperratic contractions here and there. That evening though, Chris and I decided to go get something to eat. While I was getting ready, I noticed that my contractions were every 2-4 minutes apart. I continued to time them as we left the house, with me not knowing that I would not be coming back without my baby girl. Three hours later we decided to go to the hospital and see if anything was happening because my contractions were abviously not stopping. To make a long story short, they admitted me to the hospital and Chris ran home to get our stuff. The labor wasn't bad and if I had to do it all over again tomorrow, I would. We love our little girl more than anything!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Our baby girl is here!
I will have pictures posted tomorrow, but I just wanted to let you all know that PEYTON PIEPER was delivered on Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 7:40 am. She weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 20 inches long. She is so beautiful and we are glad that she arrived safely. All I can say is that "birth" is sooo amazing! Chris is very happy to be a daddy and have both of his girls healthy and strong!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
29 1/2 Weeks & A New House
So this is my growing belly at 29 1/2 weeks. I have really enjoyed this pregnancy so far and am so greatful that I have felt good throughout the whole thing. My only complaint is not being able to sleep on my stomach, but other than and Chris love being able to feel her move around. Actually, I think that is my favorite part.
We have also moved into our new house out in Chubbuck, and we love it. It is so nice to have space to actually put stuff. We love our neighbors and our new ward. I think we finally feel like it is ours now after 3 weeks of living there. I will post some pics of the nursery when we get it finished. I can't wait!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
21 Weeks!
Just thought I would update the picture of my growing belly and our little girl. The last pic was taken 5 weeks ago! We are so excited for this new adventure. Oh yeah, and to update everything else in our lives...We are moving!! We are staying in Pocatello, but knew with our baby girl on the way that we needed something a little bigger. We close on our house that we live in now next week, and then won't be closing on our new house until May. 
Monday, March 30, 2009
It's a GIRL!
Spring Break in Mexico!
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